Dick Cheney, dangereux terroriste international et infatigable fauteur de guerres (VO)
Seymour Hersh relate une réunion, tenue dans le bureau de Dick Cheney, dangereux terroriste international, dont l’objet était : comment faire entrer les USA en guerre contre l’Iran ?
Il y a eu une dizaine d’idées émises sur la façon de déclencher la guerre. L’une d’entre elles consistait à construire 4 ou 5 bateaux semblables à ceux de l’Iran et à provoquer un incident armé dans le détroit d’Ormuz.
(Objectif: Réitérer le 11 septembre dans le détroit d’ormuz)
Seymour Hersh, The Nation National Youth Journalism Conference, 9 juillet 2008
There was a meeting. Among the items considered and rejected – which is why the New Yorker did not publish it, on grounds that it wasn’t accepted – one of the items was why not…
There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build – we in our shipyard – build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up. Might cost some lives.
And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans.
That’s the kind of – that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about.
Provocation. But that was rejected.So I can understand the argument for not writing something that was rejected – uh maybe. My attitude always towards editors is they’re mice training to be rats.
But the point is jejune, if you know what that means.
Silly ?
Maybe. But potentially very lethal. Because one of the things they learned in the incident was the American public, if you get the right incident, the American public will support bang-bang-kiss-kiss.
You know, we’re into it…. What happened in the Gulf was, in the Straits, inearly January, the President was just about to go to the Middle Eastfor a visit. So that was one reason they wanted to gin it up. Get it going.
Look, is it high school ? Yeah. Are we playing high school with you know 5,000 nuclear warheads in our arsenal ? Yeah we are. We’re playing, you know, who’s the first guy to run off the highway with us and Iran.
Un autre Terroriste, chantre de la pitrerie et de nombreux crimes contre l’humanité qui ne fait l’objet d’aucun mandat d’arrêt international en raison de son immunité.
Le temps viendra ou la machine judiciaire s’activera inexorablement à mettre hors d’état de nuire les plus grands conspirateurs et criminels de guerre, CHENEY, BUSH, OLMERT et tant d’autres qui sont toujours en cavale
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- To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them
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